Monday, September 20, 2010

lets see...

well, the website's really coming along, so be sure to check it out =]

i've also added a twitter page, a facebook page, and a youtube channel, links to all of which can be found on the new website, which can be found at:

peace, love, rock&roll


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


my site has officially moved! woohoo!
that means i have a real home @

so the blog is gonna become a daily(not so daily)-posting-place-kinda-thing, and the website will have all the info and cool stuff on it.


Friday, April 23, 2010

The other shirt.....

The quality isn't great because I took it with my cell phone....I don't get it back until the end of the school year since it's part of the gallery show. Kinda silly, since it says "Earth Day 2010" and that was yesterday...oh well =]